Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keep Rotorua Beautiful Speech Competition

For those children who expressed an interest in competing in the Keep Rotorua Beautiful Annual Year 7 & 8 speech contest, I am publishing the information here. This means I can throw away the information that is cluttering up my desk! (Don't worry, I'll use a bin).

The Keep Rotorua Beautiful Committee has a great pleasure in inviting two of your students to take part in this year's event which will be held in the council chambers
on Tuesday 25th August at 7p.m. 2009
the subject this year "THE EFFECT OF NOISE POLLUTION ON OUR COMMUNITY" should provide some thought-provoking speeches.
Each contestant will have five minutes to deliver his/her speech to judges and audience.

Please let me know if you would like to be one of those two students. We won't be spending any time on this in class, but I am happy to listen to and advise you on your speeches. It's great practice for our West Speech Cup in the third term too!

Mr J out!

Communication: Focus Question #2

brown-haired boy asks tall blonde girl:
What is effective communication?
(In other words, what makes some communication better than other communication?)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Term 2 Homework

Homework for the digitally inclined:

Communication Homework Due: 11/05/09

 For this homework’s title page I want you to communicate the idea of what this homework without words, using pictures only. Create a cohesive scene that shows as many different ways of communication as you can (not just single images of things like telephones, please).
 NIE Newspaper: Read though your newspaper. These are the tasks that I expect you to complete in your newspaper: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, and 19. If you do activity 19 first, you could get it signed off by me and go into the draw for a prize.
 Log on to our class blog, either at school or at home, and respond to one of the focus questions about communication. (There will be new focus questions added weekly)
 Interview a parent or older family friend about how they communicated with others when they were your age. We are going to see how communication has changed as a class since their time. Your parents should have a lot to say – I expect a page of writing from you at least. I will give 2HP to anyone who creates a permanent record by publishing their interview on their own blog page.

Have fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009



Ahem. Sorry about that.

Anyway: communication. I'm going to be posting some focus questions here on the blog. I want you to start thinking about these questions and posting your ideas in the comments page. This is one way in which we can communicate with each other. So... your first question is this:
In what ways do we communicate?
Let's see how many different answers we can post to this question! It's a very loose question, open to interpretation, isn't it? Don't think about answers as being right or wrong, just post your feelings in response to the question in the comments.